Hi! This is Leo!


Ruiqing(Leo) Yu

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, CS & Statistics

GPA: 3.80/4.00

Personal Statement

My name is Ruiqing Yu, but you can also call me Leo. I am a student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign studying Computer Science & Statistics. I am familiar with the software development lifecycle, from front-end to back-end development, database design, and multiplayer cooperation to testing, CI/CD, and deployment. I'm more interested in front-end design and development. Super fan of NextJS + Tailwind CSS. Please get in touch with me if you want to discuss more about frontend development.
Besides as a college student, I am the co-founder of AristAI. Our product provides an innovative way of learning that can dramatically improve a learner's access to information with the help of embedded AI technology. This solution can be utilized in two usage scenarios: corporate training and student learning at school. It has already helped more than two hundred users to solve real problems.


  • Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, C++, SQL, HTML/CSS, C, Java, Golang, Dart
  • Framework: React.js, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Redux, Django, Flask, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Node.js, Flutter
  • Databases & Tools: Docker, AWS, Redis, MongoDB, MySQL, Firebase, Nginx, Gunicorn, Celery, Git, NPM, VS Code, Vercel


Software Engineering

AristAI | Co-founder/Full-stack Developer

Next.js, TypeScript, React, Redux, Tailwind CSS, Django, Celery, MongoDB, Redis, Docker, AWS | Jan. 2023 - Present

  • Product site: https://www.aristai.io.
  • An AI-driven teaching tool for employees and students to improve learning efficiency and provide customized study plan.
  • Collaborated with a team of six, integrating software development and UI/UX design efforts to enhance product outcomes.
  • Redesigned and developed website using React and shortened page load times up to 50%.
  • Utilized Server Side Rendering and Dynamic loading in Next.js to reduced webpage responsive time by 35%.
  • Optimized frontend data management, security and persistence by Redux state management.
  • Constructed unit tests Jest and CI/CD pipelines in Github and improved 20% deployment efficiency.
  • Constructed Django backend to facilitate seamless API integrations, enhance security, and streamline application workflows.
  • Utilized Redis, Celery, and MongoDB to bolster service operations, optimize data handling.
  • Implemented SEO strategies improving search visibility and increasing website traffic by 12%.
  • Deployed and managed web application through AWS EC2, S3, Route53, and Load Balancer.
  • Improved web page performance and security by utilizing CloudFront.

Alphalio | Software Engineer Intern

Flask, Celery, Redis, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Docker | May. 2023 - Aug. 2023

  • Developed and maintained high-performance data storage solutions using Redis and MongoDB databases..
  • Designed and implemented Redis caching strategies to improve application response times, reducing latency by 27%.
  • Utilized Celery to implement asynchronous task processing, enhancing application scalability and responsiveness.
  • Integrated Celery with Flask, enabling efficient background job execution for time-consuming operations.
  • Arranged Docker containers using Docker Compose, simplifying multi-container application management.

The Adaptive Cognition and Interaction Design (ACTION) Lab | Software Engineer Intern

Software Development Engineer Intern | Jan. 2023 - May, 2023

  • Led a team of three people developing mobile applications using Flutter and Dart.
  • Designed an intelligent dialogue system using Google Dialogflow intents, entities, and fulfillment.
  • Improved the user interface and animation of the Flutter application by stateless Dart widgets classes
  • Programmed Dart scripts to perform user authentication process, communicate with REST APIs, and store data.
  • Utilized Google Firebase to store user information and messages for further research needs.
  • Launched a login system based on Google Identity Platform to provide individual featured service.

Data Science

Illinois Risk Lab | Python, PyTorch, Pandas, Linux, SHAP, LightGBM, XGBoost, Scikit-learn, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Jupyter Notebook

Data Science Research Intern | Aug. 2022 - Dec. 2022

  • Operated >Hardware-Accelerated Learning cluster provided by NCSA to process large dataset.
  • Utilized Light Gradient-Boosting Machine to improve the training efficiency and reduce memory usage.
  • Automated data tagging and classification scripts using the Pytorch framework.
  • Improved imbalanced binary classification precision by 27% by combined resampling method.
  • Applied SHAP algorithm to explain the relationship of every feature to be the potential cause of traffic accidents.
  • Present research result to more than 50 professional scholars and students.

Nebula Brands | Excel VBA, Python, PowerBI

Business Analyst Intern | May 2022 - Aug. 2022

  • Constructed an explainable sales model based on data from Amazon business data.
  • Analyzed the relationship between sales and product features using the Linear Regression model.
  • Programmed a predictive algorithm for next month's sales data based on time series analysis using Python
  • Forecasted next month's sales data based on time series analysis using the ARIMA model in R.
  • Visualized statistics models and data charts using Excel and Power BI.
  • Upgraded interactive data dashboard with workflow connecting the database using SQL.
  • Presented data reports to the business team and stakeholders.


Company Management System

React.js, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, MySQL

  • Designed a system architecture to support managing organizations with more than 50 members.
  • Transferred from client-side rendering to server-side rendering and reduced 25% page loading time by utilizing Next.js framework.
  • Developed a responsive web UI using Tailwind, Material, and Ant Design UI components.
  • Programmed TypeScripts reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component-based architecture provided by React.js.
  • Reduced development complexity and prevented potential type errors by utilizing Type Narrowing and Generics objects features in TypeScripts.
  • Developed a Node.js backend server with REST APIs that can handle 100+ accesses and data processing requests daily.
  • Provided user-specific services by managing user groups and setting different permissions through MySQL and PHP.
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Intelligent Virtual Assistant

Initialize TextToSpeech function duiring the intialization. Once click the image button, app will call google speech recognition funtion. From speech to text, and display text in textView. Use OkHttpClient to create web request. Create JSON file by the text just transfered. Then create request with the JSON object, headers, and url link. Use Client.newCall() function to post request to our backend API, and get the answer back. speak() function: speak any String in the textView, can be modified to speak input string.

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Synchronized Weather Forecast System

Flask, Python, HTML, Bootstrap, Docker, Nginx, Gunicorn

  • Developed a Flask web application utilizing Python to build a robust and scalable backend.
  • Utilized Nginx and Gunicorn in the deployment process to ensure efficient handling of concurrent requests and optimal performance.
  • Configured Nginx as a reverse proxy to route incoming requests to the Flask app, improving security and load balancing.
  • Implemented SSL termination and caching using Nginx to enhance the application's security and performance.
  • Leveraged best practices in web development, including proper code structuring, documentation, and version control using Git.
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GPA Visualization

This is a useful tool to look for the mean GPA value of every course from 2010 to 2021 in UIUC. Students could look for the mean GPA of every course in a specific major in a specific year. The plot can show the trends of mean GPA value every year by dragging the slider. They could also search for a specific course they are interested in and see the trends of GPA change by dragging the slider of year. They could also lookup detailed information like the instructor in the table.

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